Niketu Iralu | Elder

Indigenous Pathways
2 min readNov 16, 2021

“Hurts not transformed are always transferred. An honest dialogue is important towards creating peace. The wounds and the hurts that people sustain are of great significance and cannot be ignored. We must acknowledge and pursue them so that conflicts are brought out to start the process of honest conversation. To be able to listen has been one of the greatest instruments for change in our society.”
Niketu Iralu, Nagaland

Born in Phek, Nagaland in 1935, Niketu Iralu is a prominent intellectual and preacher of peace and non-violence. A renowned social activist who has been working relentlessly to bring about lasting peace to Nagaland and other parts of the Northeast
Niketu Iralu, fondly known as Uncle Niketu by those who have had the honor of learning from him or has been in his circle of influence, has been instrumental in working towards peace and reconciliation amongst the Nagas and in the process rewriting their destinies. He chose the path of reason and dialogue which has brought about a major change among the Nagas.

He has been a peace builder extraordinaire for more than 60 years and he and his work is deeply influenced by Mahatma Gandhi & Aldous Huxley. In his presence, each person feels encouraged to free themselves of the blocks in their personal life to play a greater role in bringing ethics & spirituality as the basis of society’s progress. Niketu has become a recognized, conscience voice for the Nagas, for the North East of India and beyond. Over the years, Niketu has sown the seeds of peace not just in Nagaland but across the world. A personality built of a unique mould, a social activist of exceptional standing, he has embarked on a journey to usher in hope and moral strength amongst the North East.

#Indigenouswisdom #ancestralknowledge#oraltraditions #community #returntoroots#community #traditionalecosystems#balance #nature #peace #reconciliation#nonviolene #transformation

PS. Excerpts of content from interview with Unsung, read full interview here

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Indigenous Pathways

A 3 month journey, this fellowship creates an experiential learning model developed on the foundation of Indigenous Wisdom & Ancestral Knowledge.